Art Heads – A collaborative art, design & music project

Georgina Hounsome

Artist: Georgina Hounsome

Since graduating from Bath Spa University College with a BA (1st class) in Illustration, Georgina has been making pictures on her foldout Formica table. She enjoys drawing, collage, painting and printing. She collects papers, old postcards, stickers, fablons, lettratones and other collage bits, which she uses in her work.

Georgina has recently completed an MA in Authorial Illustration by the seaside in Falmouth.

Clients include: Orange, Random House, Waitrose, The Guardian, The Independent and House and Garden.

We are delighted that George has joined us to work on the Wasted Nights projects. She delivered seven exceptional images, four of which were chosen to head up the EP cover design. We heart George & her continually brilliant work!

Here is one of her Art Heads images…

You can view more of George’s lovely work and and find out much more about her by taking a visit to her portfolio website and also keep up to date with her goings on via her blog…